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Leaving home wasn’t easy

March 10, 2022

How does it feel to be in your Element?

Also called the Zone, it is that moment where everything feels aligned and even challenges seem more surmountable. Time passes fast and motivation springs effortlessly. Sounds pretty awesome, but how to get there?

When 6 weeks ago I left home in Portugal to offer Playfight events in 4 different countries I wasn’t feeling in my Element at all. I was afraid and insecure. Due to the lock-down I was not facilitating Playfight since more than a year. The longest time since Playfight was born. I was wondering if I would be able to do it, or if I would be a flop. I had performance anxiety!

While landing in Romania at 2am I was still doubting. After over a year in the countryside of Portugal, the city of Bucharest felt scary and hostile.

- What am I doing here? I should have stayed home - I was mumbling while riding on a Uber that didn't speak any English and was driving way too fast.

3.30 AM, 16 hours afterI left home the day before I finally saw a friendly face. Miu welcomed me to his house with a warm hug and some delicious homemade vegan sushi. I was exhausted, but that little gesture melted my grumpiness. I wasn’t in my Element yet, but definitely a huge improvement.

The next day things got better and better. In the morning we left Bucharest on a train that slowly climbed the beautiful Carpathian mountains. Transylvania welcomed us with its lush green landscapes and beautiful little rural villages. When we finally arrived at the venue I was in awe.

On a meadow surrounded by two small creeks Bogdan had been building over the previous weeks a beautiful campsite with compost toilets, kitchen and a wonderful 100 m2 octagonal tent for our training. The determination, dedication and love that he put in it was mind and heart blowing.

That, and the smiley faces of all the participants gave me a boost of motivation to clear all my insecurities, and to do my best to offer the most remarkable, heart warming, transformative and connecting PF Immersion and Facilitator Training I could imagine. 

The following week we spent together was incredibly beautiful and I could feel that I was fully in my Element. Being in Nature, together with old and new friends, connecting with our hearts and bodies through Playfight. These were the ingredients that made the magic happen.

Waves of that wonderful experience rippled in me and strengthened during the other 5 events that followed in Italy, Switzerland and France.

I feel them even now that I’m back in Portugal, writing these lines on a 35º sweaty night, wearing just boxers.

What I take home from this experience is the importance of doing what I love to do surrounded by the people I love. This helps me to stay centered, patient and to feel trust.

That's it for now!

It's time for me to go and take a cold shower.

I look forward to hear from you and I wish you a wonderful continuation of summer,
